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6.6.13 | 0 Superman(s)
Chef / Photographer 

Assalammualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada yang membaca entri saya kali ini. Pada awalnya saya merasakan saya sangat sopan ketika ini. Adakah ini hanya berpura-pura atau cover cun atau disebaliknya? uolls jangan buruk sangka pulak ke apa ye. niat aku ikhlas ni :) haha. XX semua manusia yang hidup di muka bumi ini,pasti mempunyai cita-cita yang tersendiri. Tipulah kalau tiada,kalau tiada pun tu bukan orang laa #kots. okay wa memang minat memasak. Minat memasak ni since aku darjah berapa aku tak ingat tapi masatu aku kecil molek dan comel *perasan itu wajib*. Dulu-2 aku memang suka tolong my mum kat dapurr maybe waktu itu aku taktao nakbuat apa kan,so dari situ aku fikir seronok juga memasak ni serta dapat membahagiakan orang di sekeliling yang telah merasa masakan kita  :P and sampai sekarang minat tu memang ada. Engkau ingat masak ni mcm main masak masak ke? *mainan budakecik* lol itu semua sudah tiada okay. Otak ni perlu bekerja keras bukan duduk baca suratkabar jee. Kreatif dan inovatif perlu ada dalam diri ini ! yearghh apa apa pun fightingg! Bila orang tanya reti masak ni tak? yang ni reti tak? lolss aku belum belajar lebih dalam so pengetahuan tu belum cukup masak lagi. so jangan ingat bila aku cakap suka masak,kau tanya benda alah ni errr. haha xd

 chef adu. haha lain kann? zaman muda rasanya. nsem jugak aa haha ;p

Actually my brother that i called him amin, know not? if do not know please come my house. later i'll introduce my brother to you uolls haha -_- if you need photographer service, just contact me and i will inform to my brother. Does not matter ceremony marry as long as there is word 'ceremony' :D Ehem ehem. Now I at form 5,i am photography club in school. Apart from that i had also been appointed to become as chief magazine editor. When rethought, quite regret me hold that position. At that time I do not think the risk. Now i realizing, i need to be carried out from the beginning until i end school. Furthermore, club this year not as joyful as like last year :3 Photography children does not give cooperation that rightly against me or I that blameworthy because do not say what in they? haha watevaa aaa :3 xx As we know,woman is less exciting in this area. If I in bored state and do not know what want to be done, I likes to take pictures. That sure those pictures is calm and so on. Lastly, I hope dream and my ambition will become reality. Do not ever despair in do something matter. Strive as long as potential. InshaAllah :) 

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Template by Nurah. Tuto from WA. Icons from Pixel. Music by Yonghwa. Colour from HTML
